Pills of Truth


Om Cycle

Women hormonal balance

Inspired by a transformative journey to Bali, OM CYCLE is a project made to increase awareness about women’s reproductive system health.

During covid time, I felt the need to reconnect with my femininity. Through exploring my body’s physiological and energetic aspects, I aimed to understand how I could live a healthy and safe sexual life and how to optimise my fertility.

In Ubud, I participated in various women circles that deepened my fascination about the functioning of women’s biological system. I realised that the economical interests of pharmaceutical companies impact dramatically on women health, disconnecting us from our biological natural rhythms. Prolonged contraceptive use disrupts the brain-body communication, leading to distorted hunger, libido, mood swings, and a host of other health issues.
The programme provides clear information about the women hormonal cycle connected to the moon cycle.

During 28-30 days, women transform gradually, facing 4 different phases , exactly like the moon:

1 Menstrual (new moon)
2 Follicular (rising moon)
3 Ovulatory (full moon)
4 Luteal phases (waning moon)

OM CYCLE explains how women’s hormones influence our energy levels, our appetite, our relationships, the quality of our skin, sleep and social life.

Incorporating knowledge of food, yoga, exercise, and lifestyle choices throughout the women hormonal cycle can significantly improve our mental clarity, skin quality, and prevent premenstrual symptoms

OM CYCLE empowers us to make more informed choices, leading to a healthier and more harmonious life. Women can better accept the different expressions of their beautiful and unique bodies and can align their health, relationships, and overall well-being. 

With this special project I aim to educate both women and men about hormonal balance, enhancing mutual understanding and strengthening relationships. 

We will discuss how male and female hormones influence mind and body and how rebalancing them can lead to greater efficiency, energy, and well-being.

Awareness is the key. The program is aimed to learn how to better listen to our body needs and live an harmonious and balanced life.

1 MONTH-PROGRAM online counseling

  • Initial screening + day by day planning
  • Nutrition program
  • 4 yoga practices (one for each phase)
  • Follow-ups (2 for each phase)
  • Reach out with me privately to get more information about Om Cycle program

Have Questions
or Need More Information?

Feel free to reach out directly via WhatsApp for quick responses to your inquiries or for more details about our yoga classes.

Roberta Giulia Pilla 
[email protected]
IG Pillsoftruth___
+39 346 72 99 526


Join us for a
transformative Yoga Journey.